Calabria, M., Ciongoli, F., García-Sánchez, C., Bonnin, C. M., Pascual Sedano, B., Kulisevsky, J., Fèrriz Roure, T. & Macip, S. (in review). Efficacy of a theatre-based intervention in patients with Parkinson’s disease. Preprint available here
Scientific articles
Calabria, M., Suades, A., Juncadella, M., Ortiz-Gil, J., Ugas, L., Sala, I., & Lleó, A. (2025). Dissociating language switching from executive control in bilinguals with MCI. Cortex, 183, 290-303. Full-text
Grunden, N., Calabria, M., Garcia-Sanchez, C., Pons, C., Arroyo, J. A., Gómez-Ansón, B., García, M. C., Belvis, R.. Morollón, N., Carcedo, M. C., Isabel. M., Pomar, V., Domingo, P. (2024). Evolving Trends in Neuropsychological Profiles of Post COVID-19 Condition: A 1-Year Follow-up in Individuals with Cognitive Complaints. PLoS ONE 19(8): e0302415. Full text
Calabria, M. (2023). Cross-language interference in bilinguals with neurodegenerative diseases (2023). Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, Full text
Voits, T., Rothman, J., Aguirre , N., Cattaneo, G., Calabria, M., Víctor, C., Hernández, M., Juncadella Puig, M., Marín-Marín, L., Robson, H., Suades, A., Costa, A., & Pliatsikas, C. (2023). Hippocampal adaptations in Mild Cognitive Impairment patients are modulated by bilingual language experiences. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, Full text
Calabria, M., Ciongoli, F., Grunden, N., Ordás, C. & García-Sánchez. C. (2023). Background music and memory in Mild Cognitive Impairment: the role of interindividual differences. Journal of Alzheimer’s disease, 92(3), 815-829. Full text
Calabria, M., García-Sánchez, C., Grunden, N., Pons, C., Arroyo, J. A., Gómez-Anson, B., Estévez García, M. C., Belvís, R., Morollón, M., Vera Igual, J., Mur, I., Pomar, V., & Domingo, P. (2022). Post-COVID-19 fatigue: the contribution of cognitive and neuropsychiatric symptoms. Journal of Neurology, 269(8), 3990-3999. Full text
García-Sánchez, C., Calabria, M., Grunden, N., Pons, C., Arroyo, J. A., Gómez-Anson, B., Lleó, A., Alcolea, D., Belvís, R., Morollón, M., Mur, I., Pomar, V., & Domingo, P. (2022). Neuropsychological deficits in patients with cognitive complaints after COVID-19. Brain and Behavior, e2508. Full text
Calabria, M. (2021). On the semantic optimum and contexts. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 1–2.
Piazza, G., Calabria, M., Semenza, C., & Poletto, C. (2021). Processing of semantic and grammatical gender in Spanish speakers with aphasia. Aphasiology, 1-22. Full text
Calabria M., Pérez-Pérez J., Martínez-Horta S., Horta-Barba A., Carceller M., Kulisevsky J., & Costa A. (2021). Language reconfiguration in bilinguals: a study with Huntington’s disease patients. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism, 11(4), 459-483. Full text
Calabria M., Jefferies E., Sala I., Morenas-Rodríguez E., Illán-Gala I., Montal V., Fortea J., Lleó A., & Costa A. (2021). Multilingualism in semantic dementia: language-dependent lexical retrieval from degraded conceptual representations. Aphasialogy, 35(2), 240-266. Full text
Grunden, N., Piazza, G., García-Sánchez, C. & Calabria M. (2020). Voluntary Language Switching in the Context of Bilingual Aphasia. Behavioral Sciences, 10(9): E141. Full text.
Calabria M., Grunden N., Iaia F., & García-Sánchez, C. (2020). Interference and facilitation in phonological encoding: Two sides of the same coin? Evidence from bilingual aphasia. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 56. Full text
Calabria M., Hernández M., Cattaneo G., Suades A., Serra M., Juncadella M., Reñé R., Sala I., Lleó A., Ortiz-Gil J., Ugas L., Ávila A., Gómez Ruiz I., Ávila C., & Costa A. (2020). Active bilingualism delays the onset of mild cognitive impairment. Neuropsychologia, 146. Full text
Costumero V., Marin-Marin L., Calabria M., Belloch V., Escudero J., Baquero M., Hernandez M., Ruiz de Miras J., Costa A., Parcet M-A-, & Ávila C. (2020). A cross-sectional and longitudinal study on the protective effect of bilingualism against dementia using brain atrophy and cognitive measures. Alzheimer’s Research &Therapy, 12(1), 1-10. Full text
Cattaneo G., Costa A., Gironell A., & Calabria M. (2020). On the Specificity of Bilingual Language Control: A Study with Parkinson’s Disease Patients. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 23 (3), 570-578. Full text
Calabria M., Grunden N., Serra M., García-Sánchez C., & Costa A. (2019). Semantic Processing in Bilingual Aphasia: Evidence of Language Dependency. Front. Hum. Neurosci. 13:205. Full text
Timmer K., Calabria M., & Costa A. (2019). Non-linguistic effects of language switching training. Cognition, 182, 14-24.
Timmer K., Calabria M., Branzi F., Baus C., & Costa A. (2019). On the reliability of switching costs across time and domains. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 1032. Full text
Calabria M., Costa A., Green D., & Abutalebi J. (2018). Neural basis of Bilingual Language Control. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1426, 221–235. Full text
Branzi F.M., Calabria M., Gade M., Fuentes L.J., & Costa A. (2018). On the bilingualism effect in task-switching. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 21, 195-208. Full text
Principe A., Calabria M., Tauste A., Cruzat J., Conesa G., Costa A., & Rocamora R. (2017). Whole network, temporal and parietal lobe contributions to the earliest phases of language production. Cortex, 95, 238-247.
Baus C., Bas J., Calabria M., & Costa A. (2017). Speak my language and I will remember your face better: An ERP study. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 709. Full text
Calabria M., Cattaneo G., & Costa A. (2017). It is time to project into the future: a Special Issue on bilingualism in healthy and pathological aging. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 43, 1-3.
Calabria M., Cattaneo G., Marne P., Hernández M., Juncadella M., Gascón-Bayarri J., Sala I., Lleó A., Ortiz-Gil J., Ugas L., Blesa R., Reñé R., & Costa A. (2017). Language deterioration in bilingual Alzheimer’s disease patients: a longitudinal study. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 43, 59-75.
Branzi F.M., Calabria M., Boscarino M.L., & Costa A. (2016). On the overlap between bilingual language control and domain-general executive control. Acta Psychologica, 166, 21-30.
Costa A., Hernández M., & Calabria M. (2015). On invisibility and experimental evidence. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 18, 25-6.
Calabria M., Branzi F.M., Marne P., Hernández M., & Costa A. (2015). Age-related effects over bilingual language control and executive control. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 18 (65), 65-78. Full text
Cattaneo G., Calabria M., Marne P., Gironell A., Abutalebi J., & Costa A. (2015). The role of executive control in bilingual language production: a study with Parkinson’s disease individuals. Neuropsychologia, 66, 99-110.
Calabria M., Marne P., Romero-Pinel L., Juncadella M., & Costa A. (2014). Losing control of your languages: a case-study. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 31(3), 266-86. Full text
Calabria M., Sabio A., Martin C., Hernandez M., Juncadella M., Reñé R., Ortiz J., Ugas L. & Costa A. (2012).The missing link between faces and names: evidence from Alzheimer’s disease patients. Brain and Cognition, 80, 250-6.
Costa A., Calabria M., Marne P., Hernàndez M., Juncadella M., Lleó A., Ortiz-Gil J., Ugás L., Blesa R., & Reñe R. (2012). On the parallel deterioration of bilinguals’ two languages: Evidence from Alzheimer’s disease. Neuropsychologia, 50, 740-53. Full text
Cotelli M., Calabria M., Manenti R., Rosini S., Maioli C., Zanetti O., & Miniussi C. (2012). Brain stimulation improves associative memory in an individual with amnestic mild cognitive impairment. Neurocase, 18(3), 217-23. Full text
Calabria M., Hernández M., Branzi F.M., & Costa A. (2012). Qualitative differences between bilingual language control and executive control: evidence from task switching. Frontiers in Psychology,2, 399. Full text
Calabria M., Hernández M., Martin C.D., & Costa A. (2011).When the tail counts: the bilingualism advantage through the ex-Gaussian analysis. Frontiers in Psychology,2, 250. Full text
Calabria M., Jacquin-Courtois S., Miozzo M., Rossetti Y., Padovani A., Cotelli M. & Miniussi C. (2011). Time perception in spatial neglect: a distorted representation? Neuropsychology,25(2), 193-200. Full text
Calabria M., Manenti R., Rosini S., Zanetti O., Miniussi C. & Cotelli M. (2011). Objective and subjective memory deficits in elderly adults: a revised version of Everyday Memory Questionnaire. Aging clinical and experimental research, 23 (1), 67-73. Full text
Cotelli M., Manenti R., Rosini S., Calabria M., Brambilla M., Zanetti O., & Miniussi C. (2010). Action and object naming in physiological aging: an rTMS study. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 2, 151. Full text
Cotelli M., Calabria M., Manenti R., Rosini S., Zanetti O., Cappa S.F., & Miniussi C. (2010). Improved language performance in Alzheimer disease following brain stimulation. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, 82(7), 794-797. Full text
Manenti R., Cotelli M., Calabria M., Maioli C., & Miniussi C. (2010). The role of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in retrieval from long-term memory depends on strategies: a repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation study. Neuroscience, 17, 166(2), 501-507.
Calabria M., Cotelli M., Adenzato M., Zanetti O., & Miniussi C. (2009). Empathy and emotion recognition in semantic dementia: a case report. Brain and Cognition, 70(3), 247-52. Full text
Calabria M., Miniussi C., Bisiacchi P.S., Zanetti O., & Cotelli M. (2009). Face-name repetition priming in semantic dementia: a case report. Brain and Cognition, 70(2), 231-7.
Calabria M., Geroldi C., Lussignoli G., Sabbatini F. & Zanetti O. (2009). Efficacy of AcheI treatment of Alzheimer’s disease: a 21-month follow-up ‘real world’ study. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 49(1), 6-11. Full text
Moretti D.V., Pievani, M., Fracassi, C., Geroldi, C., Calabria, M., De Carli, C.S., Rossini, P.M, Frisoni, G.B. (2008). Brain vascular damage of cholinergic pathways and EEG markers in mild cognitive impairment. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 15(3), 357-72.
Alberici A., Bonato C., Calabria M., Agosti C., Zanetti O., Miniussi C., Padovani A., Rossini P.M. & Borroni B. (2008). The contribution of TMS to frontotemporal dementia variants. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, 118(4), 275-80.
Repetto C., Manenti R., Cotelli M., Calabria M., Zanetti O., Borroni B., Padovani A. & Miniussi C. (2007). Right hemisphere involvement in non-fluent primary progressive aphasia. Behavioral Neurology, 18(4), 239-43.
Cotelli M., Borroni B., Manenti R., Ginex V., Calabria M., Moro A., Alberici A., Zanetti M., Zanetti O., Cappa SF., & Padovani A. (2007). Universal grammar in the frontotemporal dementia spectrum Evidence of a selective disorder in the corticobasal degeneration syndrome. Neuropsychologia, 45(13), 3015-23.
Alberici A., Geroldi C., Cotelli M., Adorni A., Calabria M., Rossi G., Borroni B., Padovani A., Zanetti O., & Kertesz A. (2007). The Frontal Behavioural Inventory (Italian version) differentiates frontotemporal lobar degeneration variants from Alzheimer’s disease. Neurological Sciences, 28(2), 80-86.
Sansone V., Gandossini S., Cotelli M., Calabria M., Zanetti O. & Meola G. (2007). Cognitive impairment in adult myotonic dystrophies: a longitudinal study. Neurological Sciences, 28(1), 9-15.
Cotelli M., Borroni B., Manenti R., Alberici A., Calabria M., Agosti C., Arevalo A., Ginex V., Ortelli P., Binetti G., Zanetti O., Padovani A., & Cappa SF. (2006). Action and object naming in frontotemporal dementia, progressive supranuclear palsy, and corticobasal degeneration. Neuropsychology, 20(5), 558-65.
Cotelli M., Calabria M., & Zanetti O. (2006). Cognitive rehabilitation in Alzheimer’s Disease. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 18 (2), 141-3. Full text
Göbel S., Calabria M., Farné A., & Rossetti Y. (2006). Parietal rTMS distorts the mental number line: Simulating ‘spatial’ neglect in healthy subjects. Neuropsychologia, 44, 860-8.
Calabria M., & Rossetti Y. (2005). Interference between number processing and line bisection: a methodology. Neuropsychologia, 43, 779-83.
Jemel B., Pisani M., Calabria M., Crommelinck M. & Bruyer R. (2003). Is the N170 face-sensitive ERP component cognitively penetrable? Evidence from repetition priming of Mooney faces of familiar and unfamiliar persons. Cognitive Brain Research, 17, 431-46.
Jemel B., Calabria M., Delvenne J-F., Crommelinck M. & Bruyer R. (2003). Differential involvement of episodic and face representations in ERP repetition effects. Neuroreport, 14 (3), 525-30.
Book chapters